On 25th June 2018 CemNet Newsroom reported that total cement sales in the 1Q18 in Uruguay totalled 219,000t, representing an increase of 18 per cent YoY. Of this total, 74 per cent were sold in the domestic market while some 26 per cent were exported, according to the Chamber of Industry (CIU). The...
On 6th June 2018 CemNet Newsroom reported that the Bolivian cement producer, Fancesa, will carry out market research in Paraguay, Argentina and Chile this year with a view to entering these markets as soon as the company’s new line is up and running in 2019. Whitehopleman assisted Fancesa with their...
CemNet Newsroom reported on 24th May 2018 that Chile-based Cemento Melón has increased its first-quarter earnings by 12 per cent to US$7m when compared with 1Q17, despite lower cement sales volumes. Efforts have been maintained to contain fixed costs, logistics and administration in all units of the...
Good to receive news on 24th May that Whitehopleman's old friends at FCT Combustion headquartered in Adelaide, Australia will be supplying a complete raw material drying system to Cemento Chimborazo, Ecuador. The project consists of a 41.2 tph Triplex drier and a fluidized bed combustion system for...
CemNet Newsroom reports on 9th May that Loma Negra's adjusted EBITDA advanced 40.6 per cent YoY! Apparently "volume and revenue growth principally driven by continued momentum in public infrastructure and private construction in Argentina reflecting ongoing economic growth". Loma Negra are long-sta...
Good to read on CemNet Newsroom on 25th April that Grupo Cementos de Chihuahua (GCC) quintupled net income in the 1st quarter of 2018 to US$11.3m from US$1.7m in the first quarter of 2017. That will take some maintaining! GCC used to be a vert good customer of Whitehopleman, although not since the f...
On 15th March CemNet Newsroom reported that Cementos del Norte (CENOSA) is investing HNL700m in its cement plant in Bijao community, Choloma. The investment will increase the works’ production capacity and storage as well as increase its ability to process alternative fuels in its kilns. Whitehoplem...
Whitehopleman was delighted to read on CemNet Newsroom on 9th March that Loma Negra's net revenue had risen by 57%! Apparently "2017 was a pivotal year for Loma Negra marked by achieving significant milestones. Key events for the Company last year included; volume and sales expansion benefitting fr...
Whitehopleman is fascinated to read on CemNet Newsroom that the Cuban cement industry will begin modernising cement plants this year to increase the country's production. A new factory will be established in Santiago de Cuba during the current year, which will replace the obsolete "José Mercerón", b...
On 22nd February CemNet Newsroom reports that Bolivia's FANCESA are planning to build a new cement grinding plant near the border with Paraguay. Whitehopleman enjoyed spending 3 weeks in Sucre at FANCESA's head office in mid-2016 assisting with the "Open Bid" for the new line to be installed at thei...