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Ask Dr ClarkCategory: Pyroprocessingcollection-efficiency-of-cyclones
Ramesh Aital asked 7 years ago

Dear Dr.Clark,
Recently we have upgraded plant capacity from 500 tpd to 850 tpd with the existing 5 stage preheater with separate line calciner. With the present set up we are able to feed 60 tph. Which is equal to 900 tpd. But we are getting only 600 tpd clinker and return dust to bag house is 25%.
The bottom 3 stage cyclones are HP cyclones and to 2 stage are LP cyclones. Pressure drop across the cyclones are as follows. Calciner to Cyclone 5 : 95 mm wg, Cycone 5 to 4 : 184 mm wg, Cyclone 4 to 3 : 185 mm wg, Cyclone 3 to 2 163 mm wg, Cyclone 2 to 1 is 40 mm wg.

Whitehopleman Staff replied 7 years ago

The pressure drop across cyclone 2 to 1 seems very low. Is the dip tube in place?

1 Answers
Whitehopleman Staff answered 7 years ago

The pressure drop across cyclone 2 to 1 seems very low. Is the dip tube in place?