In April 2018 Whitehopleman were back in the field in Saudi Arabia visiting all three cement factories of our valued client, Southern Province Cement Company (SPCC).
In November 2017 Whitehopleman were retained to develop cement manufacturing cost profiles for 119 North American cement factories. Whitehopleman’s confidential client intended to use the profiles to develop a directional supply and demand curve for the cement marketplace. Desk research and Whitehop...
In December 2017 Whitehopleman were retained by Povazská Cementáreñ a.s., Ladce, to upgrade the software of the kiln feed batch control and kiln alkali cycle monitoring software that was first commissioned more than 10 years previously.
In April 2017 Whitehopleman were retained by Vassiliko Cement Works to conduct a benchmarking technical audit of their cement factory in Cyprus.
In 2015 and to date Whitehopleman are retained as “owner’s representative” for the establishment of a cement factory in Berbera, Somaliland.
In September 2017 Whitehopleman was retained to provide a 3½-day technical workshop for 16 engineers of CMS Cement at their Mombong cement factory in Sarawak, Malaysia.
In March 2017 Whitehopleman were retained by Kuwait Cement Company to monitor the progress of their 3-week annual kiln shutdown and recommend the ways to improve the effectiveness of the shutdown repair in the future.
In November 2016 Whitehopleman were retained by ANCAP to conduct technical audits to identify options to upgrade or optimise the existing equipment of their Minas and Paysandú cement factories in Uruguay.
In September 2016 Whitehopleman were retained by SECIL to conduct a benchmarking review of the maintenance of their Outão cement factory in Portugal.
In March 2017 Whitehopleman was retained to conduct technical due diligence on the cement factories of PPC and AfriSam in South Africa, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Tanzania and Zimbabwe in preparation for their proposed merger.