Very interesting to read on CemNet Newsroom on 23rd March 2018 that the West African Development Bank has approved a XOF25bn loan to help fund a third production line at Ciments du Sahel’s plant in Kirène, near Rufisque, Senegal. Apparently the new line will have a capacity of 2.7Mta and increase current capacity at the plant to 5.9Mta.
Back in 2012 Whitehopleman were retained by DEG-Deutsche Investitions – und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH to make an assessment of the project (technical) completion and prepare a certificate confirming the project (technical) completion date for the Ciments du Sahel line 2 (CDS II) project in Sénégal.
Whitehopleman should be talking to the West African Development Bank about the role of independent engineer for this 3rd line.