Whitehopleman is responding to trends in the cement industry by combining two of our long established services, technical training and technical audits.
Cement companies have an increasing need to train and develop their personnel in the technical detail of the cement manufacturing process. Whitehopleman has been providing such technical training through the CemNet Training website, technical workshops alongside Cemtech conferences and dedicated on-site training for cement companies for nearly 20 years now.
Whitehopleman has also been providing benchmarking and technical audits for just as long. The objective of combining these Whitehopleman services is for the cement company personnel to work together with Whitehopleman personnel to complete their technical audits. In this way the staff of Whitehopleman’s cement industry clients will gain the practical knowledge to undertake technical evaluations of the operation of their cement plants along with the theory of the technology of the cement process and processing equipment.